Monday, February 17

Tag: UK License

What Do I Need to Know About My UK License and Driving in Europe?

What Do I Need to Know About My UK License and Driving in Europe?

The UK has been a popular destination for many years now, and as such its number plate laws and UK license have changed over time. In this blog post, we'll investigate all that you wanted to know about what will happen when it leaves the EU in 2021! The UK is currently in a Brexit crisis, but don't worry! We have compiled all the information you need about driving regulations after Britain leaves Europe in terms of your vehicle. The post Number plate laws changed drastically with the UK leaving Europe It used to be the case that you could simply drive to Europe with your UK license and simply place a GB sticker on your motorcycle. Is my UK Driving License Still Valid in the EU after Brexit? Yes, but with some limitations. Your driving permit is still legitimate when you're from Great Bri...